Davy STEELE - The show Agrandir l'image

Davy STEELE - The show


Chanteur et compositeur écossais

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11,67 € TTC

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Avec :

Karine Polwart, Kate Rusby, Kathy Stewart, Patsy Seddon, Sally Barker, Siobhan Miller, Andy M. Stewart, Dick Gaughan, Ian McCalman


16 morceaux : Scotland Yet * Lost In The Long Grass * The Last Trip Home * Butterfly * The Rose O' Summerlea * Chasing Shadows * Quietly Sing You To Sleep * Friends * Sliding * Farewell Tae The Haven * Here's A Health Tae The Sauters * The Ballad Of Jimmy Steele * Heave Ya Ho * Eyes Of A Child * Just One More Chorus * Long Hellos And Short Goodbyes.


Parution : Février 2011

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