La collection complète des airs interprétés par les masters de la cornemuse irlandaise (Uilleann Pipes) dans la série des 10 DVDs "Piper's Choice" : Liam O'Flynn, Tommy Keane, Ronan Browne, Emmet Gill, Mick O'Brien, Jimmy O'Brien-Moran, Mick Coyne, Nollaig Mac Carthaigh, Paddy Keenan, Sean Potts, Brian McNamara, Peter Browne, Mickey Dunne, Sean Talty...
Partitions transcrites par Joe Doyle.
33,18 € TTC
Date de disponibilité:
Pays | Irlande |
Instrument | Uilleann pipe |
Type | Partition |
The Pipers Choice series of DVDs was started in 2008, with the purpose of giving lowers of uilleann piping the opportunity to get as close as possible to modern piping practice. The series is a unique and innovative document, revealing the considerations that great pipers take into account when approaching their art. Fidelity to tradition is tempered with musical imagination to produce a dynamic form of music. This is music that is always modern, and can surprise the listener, because it is renewed in the hands of master-players. It is also solidly grounded because the connection with accumulated tradition is never broken. It can be described as timeless, but is completely relevant to our time.
The collection has been put together by pipers, the pipers who played music, Joe Doyle who notated it, Tim Doyle who made the formal setting in Sibelius, and Terry Moylan who designed and edited the book.
This collection is dedicated to the memory of Liam O'Flynn (1945-2018).
Auteurs : Collectif sous la direction de Joe Doyle
Editions : Na Píobairí Uilleann (2018)
342 pages / 20,5 cm x 30 cm